¿Cuánto vale Una Vida para Usted?

martes, 18 de agosto de 2009


Esto se indica especialmente en personas de alto riesgo como son las personas inmunocomprometidas y las mujeres embarazadas seronegativas.
Se recomienda cocinar bien la carne de cualquier tipo que sea ya que por encima de 66 grados los quistes tisulares son destruidos. También es una buena medida congelar la carne ya que por debajo de 20 grados los quistes no sobreviven. Es importante lavar bien las frutas y verduras y no consumir huevos crudos o leche que no sea pasteurizada.
Definitivamente deberán evitar la exposición a las heces de gatos. En las mujeres embarazadas se recomienda hacer serologías cada un mes para detectar seroconversión.

1. Holland GN, O'Connor GR, Belfort R Jr, Remington JS. Toxoplasmosis. In: Pepose JS, Holland GN, Wilhelmus KR. Ocular infection & immunity. St Louis: Mosby 1996; 1183.
2. Pita Gondim LF, Barbosa HV Jr, Ribeiro Filho CH, Saeki H. Serological survey of antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii in goats, sheep, cattle and water buffaloes in Bahia State, Brazil. Vet Parasitol 1993; 82: 273-276.
3. Huong, LT, Ljungstrom BL, Uggla A, Bjorkman C. Prevalence of antibodies to Neospora caninum and Toxoplasma gondii in cattle and water buffaloes in southern Vietnam. Vet Parasitol 1998; 75: 53-57.
4. Klun I, Nikolic A, Katic-Radivojevic S et al. Prevalence in toxoplasma gondii in meat animals in Serbia. International Conference on Toxoplasmosis, Copenhagen, June 2003.
5. Dubey JP, Gamble HR, Hill D, Sreekumar C, Romand S, Thuilliez P. High prevalence of viable Toxoplasma gondii infection in market weight pigs from a farm in Massachusetts. J Parasitol 2002; 88: 1234-1238.
6. Bahia-Oliveira LM, Jones JL, Azevedo-Silva J, Alves CC, Orefice F, Addiss DG. Highly endemic, waterborne toxoplasmosis in north Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil. Emerg Infect Dis 2003; 9: 55-62.
7. Dubey JP. Strategies to reduce transmission of Toxoplasma gondii to animals and humans. Vet Parasitol 1996; 64: 65-70.
8. Warnekulasuriya MR, Johnson JD, Holliman RE. Detection of Toxoplasma gondii in cured meats. Int J Food Microbiol 1998; 45: 211-215.
9. Aspinall TV, Marlee D, Hyde JE, Sims PF. Prevalence of Toxoplasma gondii in commercial meat products as monitored by polymerase chain reaction-food for thought? Int J Parasitol 2002; 32: 1193-1199.
10. Akstein RB, Wilson LA, Teutscde SM. Acquired toxoplasmosis. Ophthalmology 1982; 89: 1299-1302.
11. Bowie WR, King AS, Werker DH et al. Outbreak of toxoplasmosis associated with municipal drinking water. Lancet 1997; 350: 173-177.
12. Magalhães Silveira CA. A maior epidemia do mundo. Magalhães Silveira CA. Toxoplasmose: Duvidas e Contrvérsias. Erechim RS: Edifapes 2002; 79-82.
13. Chosson M, Romand S, Franck J et al. Quantitative PCR in amniotic fluid as prognostic marker of congenital toxoplasmosis. International Conference on Toxoplasmosis, Copenhagen, June 2003
14. Tenter AM, Heckeroth AR, Weiss LM. Toxoplasma gondii: from animals to humans. Int J Parasitol 2000; 30: 1217-1258.
15. Sacks JJ, Roberto RR, Brooks NF. Toxoplasmosis infection associated with raw goat's milk. JAMA 1982; 248: 1728-1732.
16. Rothova. Reactivations in ocular toxoplasmosis. International Conference on Toxoplasmosis, Copenhagen, June 2003.
17. Friedmann CT, Knox DL.Variations in recurrent active toxoplasmic retinochoroiditis. Arch Ophthalmol 1969; 81: 481-493.
18. Dodds EM, Shah KH, Holland GN et al. Inflammatory reactions associated with ocular toxoplasmois. International Conference on Toxoplasmosis, Copenhagen, June 2003.

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